Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Adventure Holiday

In January, my family and my friend Sherida's family headed off to Hanmer Springs for 3 nights and 4 days.

Firstly we unpacked all of our belongings Sherida , Cameron , Harry and myself were all in the one room bunking. Cameron and I bunked and Harry and Sherinda bunked. Cameron and my bunk was white Cameron at the bottom and I was at the top.

Next Mum, Dad, Alison and Terry found there enswites. When the adults finished unpacking we all went out to the maze'n'golf down the road from us.

Girls were in the maze of horror and the Boys doing the golf.

After that we went to dog streem the water was freezing and flowing past our legs. We tried to catch fist but we had no luck but we did find 8 fish. We all had a composition at who could bild the best dam 4 fish got caught in the dam. We spent 2 ½ hours there then came home for tea.

After tea all the kids played in the back garden then we watched a movie and went to sleep.

Next morning we all woke up at 7:30 am for breckfast we had pancakes , banana , strawberries , vanilla ice cream and some juicy baconJ

After breckfast we went to the pools even the spas and on all of the hydroslides. All of us had turns at going on the superbowl down the dark tube then round and round and round then the fun ends down the plug holeL

We waited 20 min in the line to go on the ride after that we went back to our holiday home and had mouse traps for tea then went to sleep.

It was day three and we all decided to just have FUN! So food games and lots of other things we played for three hours then went to the lollie shop and for a walk around. By the time we got back to the holiday home and had tea it was 9:30 pm we went to bed and fell fast asleep. In the morning we packed up and went home. At the end of the weekend I thought we had a blast! J



  1. molly is the bomb at writing
    from nick

  2. Molly nice writing pretty cool and sophie sweet story from Rebekah Pemberton
