Friday, February 25, 2011

Talia’s Earthquake Recount

Hi Mr A and all of Room 3 this is my experience of the BIG earthquake we had on Tuesday......

Tuesday the 22 of the 2 /2011 we were at school having our lunch play time my friends and I were waiting out side of room 8 waiting to go in the pool. Next room 7 started shaking my friends and I went silent wondering what was going on. Then suddenly we got up and ran we forgot what to do so we were running to Mrs Earl. When I was running I fell over and bruised my leg and arm they both started bleeding and I had some scratches on my other leg but I am ok. But then everyone started to do the turtle so me and my friend did the turtle. I said to my best friend Breanna "Are you ok? " She looked up at me crying she said "yes". Every minute the earthquake got harder and harder I yelled "Breanna!" in a scared voice. She yelled my name back then it stopped. "'Phew'" its all over. Then we had to line up for the roll call I looked around for Mr A so I know where to line up. I found him. I lined up. Every one around me was crying. I thought about all of my family I was worried so I started crying. Judith was sitting next to me she cheered me up by saying "pretend you're in the middle of Samoa eating lollies". I laughed. But when I looked up I noticed that liquefaction started to rise up and it also rose up like a waterfall. Then there was another earthquake. Later it started coming up out of the concrete so some people had to go on the other court and we had to move over. When we moved over my best friend Breanna and my step cousin Jemma came over to me, we were all crying. They started to talk about their families which made me worry about my family. But a couple minutes later my Dad was here we went to my house and waited till my Mum came home. I went around the back to get my dog. He was fine. Then Mum came home saying "Our whole building collapsed but I am ok". But I notice my sister wasn't in the car my Mum said she couldn't get to her school. My Dad went to get her. When me and Mum walked inside it was a mess glass every where and everything had fallen over. Mum said "it was a 6.3 earthquake". Mum started to put things down that might break then it happen again another earthquake we both dived under the table. A few minutes later another one hit .I stayed under the table. Every one came over to check on us. We had no power no water for the night. At 6:30 my Dad, my sister and Step Dad came home.
My family was finally safe and together!! I felt myself becoming calm as I was with my family. I spent the night under our kitchen table but I knew I was safe and God was watching over us. I also knew that my Opa (Grand Dad) was taking care of us. We did not sleep but we were together!!
That was my experience of THE BIG EARTHQUAKE I hope you are all well and with your families.
Stay Safe from Talia and her family :)

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